
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter C returned 53 items.

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Displaying items 31 thru 45


'Main Street River Walk'.


'Main Street Wall Street'.


Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise'. Perennial. Hardy to -30°F. Also called tickseed. An All-American Selection winner 'Early Sunrise' has double and semi-double golden flowers that bloom early and continuously. Height : 18 inches. Fragrant!

Coriander, Mexican/ Culantro.

Eryngium foetidum. Biennial. Sometimes called culantro. Unusual, thorny leaves with strong cilantro flavor. Use leaves like cilantro. Two year-old roots can be harvested in autumn and used fresh. Culantro is a bit finicky to propagate, especially early in the season. If available, it will not be until at least late May.
Last Seed Source: www.tradewindsfruit.com

Coriander, Vietnamese.

Persicaria odoratum. Tender perennial, hardy to about 20°F. The flavor of his Asian herb resembles cilantro with a hint of lemon. Plants are nearly care free and fast growing, producing a steady supply of foliage without interruption by flowers. An excellent pot plant that can be grown indoors in a light garden. Give partial shade during the heat of summer. Cut stems often to encourage branching. Use with fish, vegetables, soups, meats, and in sauces. Recently reclassified from the genus Polygonum.

Corydalis elata


Hardy Geranium.

'Rozanne'. Perennial. Hardy to -20°F. Deep green foliage plants have large 2 1/2 inch violet-blue flowers which bloom from June to October. The foliage turns red in the fall. Makes a great hanging basket. Height to 20 inches.

Hardy Geranium.

G. himalayense x G. pratense 'Johnson's Blue'. One of the most widely available hybrids in cultivation. Clumps of finely cut foliage provide a base for beautiful lavender-blue flowers from mid-summer to fall. Good groundcover.

Hardy Geranium.

Geranium 'Brookside'. Perennial, hardy to -30°F. Vigorous 12 -18 inch tall plant with finely cut leaves and large bowl shaped flowers of a deep clear blue with a pale center. Cut back flowers around June when plant begins to look spindley to maintain attractive mounding character and encourage rebloom.

Hardy Geranium.

Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter'. Description not available at this time

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Hardy Geranium.

Renardii x platypetalum 'Phillip Vapelle'. Neat 15 inch mounds are formed by softly hairy, blue-green leaves. Large bluish-purple flowers with strong dark veins and deeply notched petals are produced over a long period.

Hardy Geranium, Musk.

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Ingwersen's Variety'. Perennial, hardy to -10°F. Also called big-rooted geranium. Semi-evergreen plant with light pink, nearly white flowers. with a maximim height of about 20 inches. Rhizomatous spreader makes a good groundcover without becoming "weedy". Does best if planted in loose leaf litter such as in a woodland setting where it will tolerate dry conditions. Soil should remain slightly most if planted in full sun. Musk geranium is the source of zdravetz (geranium) oil used in perfumery.

Hardy Geranium, White Flowered Musk.

Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album'. Perennial. Hardy to -10°F. White-pink flowers early and mid summer. Semi- evergreen, spreading by rhizomes. Foliage releases scent when lightly brushed. Height: 12 to 20 inches. Good ground cover if planted in shade but will do well in part sun. Use in potpourri, perfume.


'Diva'. 2002 AAS winner. Diva produces distinctly tender, crisp, sweet, bitter-free, and seedless fruit. Foliage is not as attractive to cucumber beetles as some varieties. Best when harvested at 5-7 inch length. Intermediate resistance to cucumber vein yellowing virus, downy mildew, and powdery mildew.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Tasty Green'. Plants do well in our hot, humid area and has strong tolerance to Mosaic Virus. Slim fruits are 10" by 2" with dark green skin and small white spines. Bitter-free and burpless. Very prolific.
Last Seed Source: www.hpsseed.com

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.