
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter T returned 124 items.

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Displaying items 31 thru 45


'Old Virginia'. 80 days. Indeterminate. Heirloom. An old, Southern Virginia favorite. This tomato can take the heat and still yield a good crop. Vigorous plants produce dark red, globe-shaped, 8 to 12 ounce fruit that are smooth and crack resistant.
Last Seed Source: www.heirloomseeds.com


'Patio Hybrid'. 70 days. Determinate. Good producer of medium sized, flavorful, red fruit. Two foot tall plant is good for containers and provide a large harvest.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Florida 91 VFF'. 72 days. Determinate. Extra large, uniform fruit are produced on disease resistant vines. As the name implies, these plants are reputed to do well in high heat and humidity and are resistant to two of our most prevelant tomato diseases; alternaria and gray spot.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Legend'. 68 days. Determinate.This early variety sets large, glossy red fruit with green shoulders. Good flavor is a nice blend of sugars and acids. Strong resistance against the late blight fungus, a problem that has thwarted many a tomato gardener. It sets fruit well under cool temperatures, and contains few seeds. This combination of great taste, earliness, and strong disease resistance makes Legend truly memorable.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Bush Early Girl'. 54 days to fruit. Compact determinate. This "little sister" to Early Girl is high yielding and has medium sized, good tasting fruit. Good disease resistance.
Last Seed Source: www.hpsseed.com


'Green Grape'. 70 days. Short compact determinate plants produce lots of 3/4 to 1 inch yellow-green fruit. Full of flavor, sweet and juicy, these cherry-type tomatoes are a real taste treat.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Lime-Green Salad'. 68 days. Determinate. Diminutive plants produce loads of small 3 to 5 oz., lime-green tomatoes that ripen further to amber. Fruit is chartreuse inside and full of juice and good, tangy flavor that is somewhat spicy. Good plant for containers.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Celebrity'. 70 days. Determinate. This All-America Selection award winner has vigorous vines that produce flavorful 3 1/2-inch fruit under a wide range of growing conditions.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Health Kick'. 72 days. Determinate, to 4 feet tall. This plum shaped tomatoes are loaded with the antioxidant lycopene, about 50% more than other varieties. Fruit is great tasting and plentiful.
Last Seed Source: www.hpsseed.com


'Roma VF'. 75 days. Determinate. Fruits are plum-shaped and 2 to 3 inches long. A well-known, reliable variety for cooking and canning.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Principe Borghese'. 75 days. Determinate heirloom. This plum-shaped Italian tomato is favored for drying, sauce. But it is also tasty to eat out of hand. Meaty fruits have little juice and few seeds.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Red Robin'. 55 days. Determinate. Dwarf Red Robin plants are 8 to 12 inches high, perfect for hanging baskets or a six-inch pot. Sweet-flavored fruits are 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Golden Milano VF'. 70 days. Determinate. Hybrid. A golden Roma type, replacing Italian Gold which is no longer available. Great, taste, mild, non acidic flavor. Makes great salsa, good for canning.
Last Seed Source: www.stokeseeds.com


'Moreton Hybrid F1'. Indeterminate. 70 days. Rutgers University has reintroduced this old time favorite. Fruit are large, meaty and delicious. Verticilium Resistant plants.
Last Seed Source: www.harrisseeds.com


'Black Krim'. 75-90 days. Indeterminate, Heirloom from the Black Sea of Russia. Large, 10 to 12 ounce, dark brown-red tomatoes are sweet and tasty with just a hint of saltiness. Color intensifies in hot weather, and fruit seems to set well even in the heat. Interior is a deep, reddish-green color. Prone to cracking, but a very heavy producer.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.