
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter B returned 72 items.

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Displaying items 46 thru 60

Bergamot, Wild/ Bee Balm.

Monarda fistulosa. This hardy perennial produces bright lavender flowers and has highly fragrant leaves. Most bee balm (Monarda didyma) in cultivation today is actually of hybrid origin and has wild bergamot as one of its parents. Unlike its more commonly grown relatives, wild bergamot prefers dry soil conditions. Typically grown in full sun, this plant will tolerate some shade. Height is usually 3-4 feet tall and is moderately invasive. Both flowers and leaves are edible. Leaves are very spicy making them an excellent substitute for Oregano.

Betony/ Wood Betony.

Stachys officinalis. Betony was an official herb of the apothecary, believed to have magical healing powers. It was grown in monastery gardens all over Europe. Today, its popularity has been surpassed by its close relative, lamb's ear, Stachys byzantina. Betony still deserves a place in the modern herb garden. It is a marvelous ornamental plant well suited for the cottage garden or the middle of the border with its reddish-purple flowers forming whorls along tall spikes which rise 2 to 3 feet above strongly aromatic basal foliage. Good for cut flowers.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com


'Beedance Painted Red'.

Blackberry, Thornless.

'Arapaho'. Description not available at this time

Blackberry, Thornless.

'Chester'. Description not available at this time

Blackberry, Thornless.

'Navaho'. Description not available at this time

Blackberry, Thornless.

'Triplecrown'. Description not available at this time

Blanket Flower.

Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun'. Perennial, hardy to -30°F. Large, fiery, orange-red blossoms are tipped by a ring of rich flame yellow. Forms a neat mound of lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves. Near end of season, leave spent flower heads for seed to attract goldfinches. A Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner 2005.

BlueBerry, Dwarf.

'Tophat'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern Bush.

'BlueCrop'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern Bush.

'Blueray'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern Bush.

'Duke'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern Bush.

'Patriot'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern HighBush.

'Chandler'. Description not available at this time

BlueBerry, Northern HighBush.

'Jersey'. Description not available at this time

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.