
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter L returned 51 items.

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Displaying items 46 thru 51


'Techno Heat Upright Dark Blue'. Description not available at this time

Lobelia, Great Blue.

Lobelia siphilitica. Shade tolerant, moisture lover. Tall, blue slower spikes. Once used as a treatment for syphilis.


'Blushing Princess'.


Lobularia 'Snow Princess'.


Levisticum officinale. Perennial, hardy to -35°F, reaching 6 feet its second year. With its concentrated celery flavor, lovage is certain to be the workhorse of your kitchen garden. It dies back each winter to return each spring from its roots and create lovely, but coarse, ornamental foliage. The plant can be cut back to two feet high in summer to obtain a new harvest of foliage. Use foliage sparingly in soups, stews, vegetables and many other dishes.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash'. The dark green foliage overlaid with spots of silver is the perfect backdrop for the raspberry pink and purple flowers on this Pulmonaria. An upright habit with a profuse flowering period makes this a favorite for hummingbirds and gardeners alike.

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.