
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter B returned 72 items.

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Displaying items 61 thru 72

BlueBerry, Southern Highbush.

'O’Neil'. Description not available at this time


Borago officinalis. Annual, hardy to 25°F. While you can make fritters from its flowers and use its cucumber-flavored, hirsute leaves in cold drinks like Pimm's Cup, borage acts as a magnet in the garden for pollinating bees. The blue flowers are also candied for cake decorating and used dried in wreaths. Height to 2 feet.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Fresno Candy'.


'Green Magic'. 57 days. Excellent heat tolerance for late spring or summer harvest. Compact, excellent holder, uniform, semi-dome blue green head, medium small bead, heat tolerant, mildew resistant.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Broccoli Raab/ Spring Raab.

. 32 days. A traditional Italian specialty combining the flavor of mustard greens and broccoli. Buds are harvested as they appear, just before flowering. Use row covers to protect from pests.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Broccoli, Romanesco Veronica/ Minaret.

. 75 days. Unlike regular broccoli (some classify this as a cauliflower), this Italian variety produces minaret shaped heads. Provide fertile conditions and irrigation for best crop. Use row cover to prevent caterpillars.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Brussels Sprouts.

. Description not available at this time
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Bugle Weed.

Ajuga x tenorii 'Chocolate Chip'. Perennial. Hardy to -30°F. Groundcover with narrow, shiny chocolate foliage and blue flowers.


Sanguisorba minor. A Frenchman would not be without ready access to burnet, the handsome ornamental with accordion green leaves. Its cucumber flavor is subtle, but unmistakable. Try it in vinegar, salad dressing, or just cut up in a salad. Height to 30 inches in flower. Space 18 to 24 inches apart. Perennial, hardy to -40°F. Lovely in the garden.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Milkweed, Swamp.

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'. Description not available at this time

Butterfly Weed/ Pleurisy Root.

Asclepias tuberosa. Perennial, hardy to -20°F. Called 'Butterfly Weed' because this three foot tall perennial produces beautiful orange-red flowers that really attract butterflies. The genus Asclepias (Milkweed) is the Monarch caterpillar's sole source of food. One of the last plants to break winter dormancy, growing to about three feet tall by mid summer. Generally prefers arid soils. The root of this milkweed was used by Native American Plains Indians to heal lung ailments and wounds.

Butterfly Weed, Red Flowered.

Asclepias curassavica. Also known as Blood Flower. Tender perennial, hardy to about 32°F. This 3 foot tall milkweed produces orange and red flowers all summer; elongated seed pods in the fall. Milkweed is the only food for the Monarch caterpillar.
Last Seed Source: www.germaniaseed.com

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.