
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter S returned 136 items.

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Displaying items 121 thru 135

Sweet Pepper.

'Roumanian Rainbow'. 60 days. Very early, colorful bell peppers start out as ivory, turn persimmon orange, then finally mature to red. Peppers are 4 to 5 inches long and very sweet.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Shishito Mellow Star'. 60 days to green, 80 days to red. Thin-walled fruit are heavily wrinkled; 3 1/2 to 4 inches long. Popular in Japan where its thin walls make it particularly suitable for tempura. Also very good in stir fries or sautés. In Asia, fruits are cooked when green but they also may be used red. Thinly sliced, the red fruits are excellent in salads or cole slaw. Large, upright plants produce good yields over an extended harvest period
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Socrates X3R'. 68 days. Four-lobed blocky bell peppers become very large, at least 4 inches long and wide, with thick walls and delicious taste. This is really an impressive pepper that is wonderful for eating fresh, cooking, or making into stuffed peppers. Fruit turns from green to red and is sweet at all stages. Vigorous, tall plants are resistant to 3 races of Bacterial Spot and Potato Y Virus.
Last Seed Source: www.stokeseeds.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Spanish Spice Hybrid/Italico'. 68 days to fruit. Technically a hot pepper, although the dark green, elongated fruits are neither spicy nor sweet. Good for grilling or frying.
Last Seed Source: www.hpsseed.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Super Heavyweight Hybrid'. 77 days. Huge, bell-type, ripens green to gold. Thick walled, sweet and crunchy. If you are looking to win competitions, this is the pepper to grow.
Last Seed Source: www.ivygarth.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Super Sweet Cherry'. 75 days to first fruit. Extra large cherry type, 1-3/4 inch round peppers mature red. Good for pickling and stuffing.
Last Seed Source: www.peppergal.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Sweet Banana'. 72 days. Profuse harvests of 5 1/2 to 6 inch long, tapered fruit.Starts light green,then yellow, orange, and finally red. Compact plant.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Sweet Cayenne'. 75 days. Cayenne shaped fruits up to 12 inches long ripen red but stay sweet. Productive plants bear loads of these crinkly, thin walled fruit that are perfect for use in stir fries.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Sweet Pickle'. 75 days. Red, orange, yellow, and purple fruit at the same time. Two inch long, chunky fruit grow upward. Compact plants.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Sweet Sunrise F1'. 65 days to green, 85 days to yellow ripe fruit. Medium-large, 3 and 4-lobed fruits are blocky to slightly elongated. The flavor is both fruity and sweet. Sweet Sunrise is a sturdy, medium-sized plant with good leaf cover helps reduce sun scald.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Sweet Pepper.

'Tequila Hybrid'. 72 days. This beautiful amethyst pepper from Holland produces early fruit that is a blocky 4 1/2 inches deep and 4 inches across. Peppers begin as lavender, eventually turning red.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com

Sweet Potato Vine.

Ipomea 'Blackie'. Description not available at this time

Sweet Potato Vine.

Ipomea 'Marguerite'. Description not available at this time

Swiss Chard.

'Bright Lights'. 22-25 days baby. 50-55 days full size. Swiss chard is a large, crisp-leaved green vegetable with succulent stems ideal to use fresh and cooked. Chard is likely to go to seed if subjected to light frosts. Best growth is achieved with a temperature range between 45°F and 75°F. 'Bright Lights' has multi-colored stems, including red, yellow, pink, white, and purple, with green or bronze leaves.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

Swiss Chard.

'Fordhook Giant'. 22-25 days baby. 50-55 days full size. Fordhook Giant has medium-green, crinkled leaves with white veins and broad white stems. Chard is likely to go to seed if subjected to light frosts. Best growth is achieved with a temperature range between 45°F and 75°F.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.