
DeBaggio's Herb Farm & Nursery

Your search for Plants begining with the letter E returned 24 items.

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Coneflower/ Echinacea
Echinacea was important as a medicinal plant to the American Indians. Although there may be a place for echinacea in modern pharmacology, the gardener finds the coneflower better suited amongst other ornamental herbs such as butterfly weed, garlic chives and wild bergamot. Down-turned petals around a dark bristled cone are characteristic of the coneflowers (except Tennessee coneflower which has upturned petals.) When the petals have dropped off, the remaining cone can be used in making wreaths and in other crafts. All coneflowers do best in full sun, although they will do nicely in part shade, and well-drained soil. They will tolerate periods of drought during the summer.

Coneflower, Purple.

Echinacea purpurea. Perennial. Hardy to -40°F. Vigorous grower has large, drooping, purple-petaled flowers. Height is 2 to 3 feet in flower. Space plants 8 inches apart. Harvest roots after 3-4 years; flowers, leaves anytime. Medicinal.
Last Seed Source: www.

Coneflower, Tennessee.

Echinacea tennesseensis. Perennial, hardy to -40° F. This unique coneflower is characterized by upturned, rather than drooping, purple ray-like flowers. Height can reach 2 feet. Harvest roots after 3-4 years; flowers, leaves anytime. Medicinal. Endangered species.

This is the last of the spring crops to plant. Eggplants grow best when temperatures are settled and nights are in the sixties with afternoons as high as 95°F. They are so sensitive to cold that temperatures in the 40s are likely to set back plant growth and may permanently retard fruit production. A minimum of 4 hours of direct sun is necessary. pH range 5.5 to 6.8. Space on 3-foot centers. Staking may be necessary. Ree-may row covers are helpful to warm plants and protect against insects. Flea beetles which eat tiny holes in eggplant leaves can be controlled with organic sprays such as pyrethrum and rotenone. Plants are available beginning in late April.


'Baby'. 55 days. An almost perfectlyround eggplant with dark purple fruits 3 inches in diameter. Tender flesh is quickly cooked.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Black Beauty'. 80 days. Heirloom. Large, glossy fruit. Traditional shape.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Epic/ Dusky'. 56 days. An American hybrid that produces excellent, early, medium-sized fruit, Dusky is a perfect main crop variety.
Last Seed Source: www.seedsnsuch.com


'Fairy Tale'. 50 days. Elongated lavender colored fruit with white stripes grows in clusters of three to five. Best when picked when 4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches wide and while the skin is still shiny. Dwarf plants are good for containers. 2005 AAS winner.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Fengyuan Purple'. 65 days. Asian type. Foot-long purple fruit. Thin skin makes pealing unnecessary. Non-bitter flesh.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Italian Pink Bicolor'. 75 days. Round, 8 inch fruit matures rosy pink with faint streaks of cream.
Last Seed Source: www.stokeseeds.com


'Kermit'. 60 days. Compact, plant produces lots of small, round green and white fruits.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Little Fingers'. 68 days. Unique, small, slim fruits grow in clusters of 3 or more. Ripens dark purple and can be picked when about 2 inches long, although they are still tasty, mild, and sweet when full sized (4 to 6 inches) Great pickled, grilled, or stir fried.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Ophelia'. 55 Days. Mini oval fruits reach only 2 ounces Perfect for single seving. Best taste when fruits are harvested young. Plants are bushy but not quite as tall as regular eggplant.
Last Seed Source: www.hpsseed.com


'Orient Express'. 58 days. Attractive, slender 8-10 inch glossy black fruits in the long Oriental style. Tender, delicately flavored, and quick cooking.
Last Seed Source: www.johnnyseeds.com


'Ping Tung Long'. 65 days. Slender, 12 inch long, violet-purple eggplant reaches with excellent mild flavor and tender white flesh. Good producer, even in summer heat and humidity.
Last Seed Source: www.tomatogrowers.com


'Thai Green'. 75 days. If you've been looking for an eggplant to use in Thai cuisine, you must grow 'Thai Green'. The 12 inch long, slender, light-green fruit has skin so tender that peeling is not necessary. The white fleshed interior is also tender with a mild pleasant flavor.
Last Seed Source: www.seedsavers.org


'Turkish Orange'. 85-90 days. Unique, brilliant orange fruits are great for stuffing. Sweet and fragrant when freshly cut. The tennis ball sized fruits are best eaten when slightly orange with green striping. Once fruits turn red the skins will be bitter. Vigorous bush bears 15-25 fruits.
Last Seed Source: www.germaniaseed.com

  • Thomas DeBaggio

We are no longer growing any plants. Listings are for information only. Last seed source listed after some of the plants is the company from which I last purchased the seeds. I make no guarantee that a variety is still available from that company or that there aren't other sources. Plants with no source either were not grown from seed (most likely) or the seed is not commercially available.